Soviet-party personnel of western regions of USSR in 1944 - 1945 (educational domain)
party personnel, leading personnel, Western regions of USSR, Soviet-party personnelAbstract
The educational level of the Soviet nomenclature of the western regions of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in the years 1944-1945 is being investigated. The analysis of the research of the phenomenon of the nomenclature of the major Ukrainian scientists such us: M.S. Doroshko, S.V.Kulchitskiy, Y.I. Shapoval, G.V. Kasyanov, L.M. Novokhatko, M.Y. Vygovskiy, R.Pirog, was made. The characteristic features of the local authorities and their influence on the socio-economic and political situation of the Western Ukraine were explained.
The Staff's professional and educational level of the Soviet authorities on different stages was made. The analysis of the archival sources gave us the opportunity to testify about the low educational level of the representatives of the governmental authorities. That had a negative influence on the functioning quality of the state authorities in the western regions of Ukraine. The causes and consequences of the party elite's low educational level was determined. The creation process of the Soviet party members in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic is being characterized in details.
The activity of the created net of special courses, seminars and clubs aimed at increase in staff's qualification level was investigated. The data about the republican party schools activity and premises of the unification, structurization of the educational institutions on party leaders and soviet staff for the western regions of the Soviet Ukraine in 1946 training were shown.
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