The phenomenon of the carnivalization of sport in postmodern society
laughter, sport, carnivalization of sport, postmodern sport, social functions of laughterAbstract
This article examines the phenomenon of sport carnavalization in postmodern society, the reasons, preconditions, consequences of the postmodern transformation of sport as a social institution, turning it into a commercialized spectacle, industry, show business, entertainment practice. Traced the mutual penetration of the humorous elements in the sports and sports in karneval sfere in socio-cultural space. Thus, laughter in its various functions, manifestations, modifications is an integral part, an attribute of sport life, and an independent agent of social shifts, through which social values and ideals are established or abolished, a special festive atmosphere is created as a marker of the "boundary", the "border", "The transition" of society as a whole and sport as a social institution into a new mode of existence.
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