М. Grushevskyi and activities of the Ukrainian scientific community. Historiographical aspect of the problem
Ukrainian Scientific Community, second Kiev period, historiographical analysis, Ukrainian historiographyAbstract
The article is concerned with particular issues of the highlight of M. Grushevsky's scientific and organizational activities in the Ukrainian Scientific Community in Kyiv made by Ukrainian historians. The author analyzes particular issues of evaluations presented by scientists of the second Kiev period in the life of the outstanding scientist and unites M. Grushevsky's work at the Ukrainian Scientific Community with his work at Shevchenko Scientific Community.
Cancellation of censorial obstacles in the Russian Empire by "Temporary publishing rules" created favorable conditions for the existence of the Ukrainian scientific institution. In spring 1907 at Mykhailo Grushevskyi's initiative, the Ukrainian Scientific Community was created in Kyiv for the purpose of adjusting scientific activity and disseminating scientific achievements in Ukrainian. The scientist attached great significance to this community as an important stage in the process of forming an all-Ukrainian academic institution.
Analysis of Ukrainian scientists' achievements in terms of M. Grushevskyi's activities in creation and functioning of the Ukrainian Scientific Community made it possible to understand the historiographical interest in this aspect of the scientist's scientific work. All M. Grushevskyi's contemporaries, such as S. Petliura and О. Germaize emphasized his important role in formation of the Community. Depreciating the importance of M. Grushevskyi's scientific and organizational activities, ideologically committed Soviet historians kept silent about his activities in the Community. An appreciable scientific interest therein was taken by such scientists of the diaspora as L. Vinar, D. Doroshenko, O. Ogloblyn and N. Polonska-Vasylenko. They paid their highest compliments to M. Grushevskyi's activities in the Community and emphasized important theoretical bases for the research of this problem.
In the works by modern Ukrainian scientists, such as I. Verba, O. Vladyha, Z. Zaitseva, O. Nahirniak, O. Onopriienko, O. Reient, P. Sokhan, V. Telvak, T. Scherbak and others, M. Grushevskyi's role in formation of the Community is researched on the basis of a big amount of sources. The researchers traced the structural connection of the early Ukrainian scientific institutions of Galician and Kyiv periods. Domestic historians ascertain that M. Grushevskyi's simultaneous activities in Lviv and Kyiv communities made it possible to unite the scientific efforts of Upper Dnieper and Galician Ukraine.References
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