Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Germany in 1918-1923
diplomacy, embassy, consular offices, military emigration, Yaroslav Biberovich, Even Levitskiy, Mikola Porsh, Olexander Sevryuk, Roman Smal-Stotsky, Fedir ShteingelAbstract
The article considers with the formation and activities in Germany of Ukrainian embassies and consular offices in 1918-1923. Diplomatic institutions were represented in Berlin: the Ukrainian People's Republic of the Central Rada (Ambassador Alexander Sevryuk), the Ukrainian State (baron Fedor Shteyngel), the Ukrainian People's Republic Directory of the UNR (Mykola Porch, Roman Smal-Stotsky). His embassy was formed in Berlin and the Western Ukrainian National Republic (Yevhen Levytsky, Yaroslav Byberovych). But in view of the possible negative reaction of the Entente countries, the ZUNR (WUNR) embassy did not develop widly. Ukraine had its consular offices in Berlin and Munich. The article also mentions the activities of the Ukrainian consular establishment in Danzing (Gdansk), which was closely linked with Germany. The Ukrainian diplomatic structures in Germany were officially recognized by the German authorities and focused their efforts on seeking external support from Ukraine in the struggle against the enemies of its independence.
The informational office of the embassy in Berlin tried to get the German press and the general public informed about the Ukrainian issue as much as possible and gathered the necessary information for the Ukrainian government. The Ukrainian embassy in Germany solved the actual foreign policy tasks not only in relations with the host country. Diplomats have imposed international contacts with embassies of other countries accredited in the capital of Germany. The activity of the Ukrainian diplomatic structures was aggravated by the hostile actions of the Bolshevik agents, insufficient financial support, and internal problems of a personal nature. In addition, the foreign policy capabilities of Germany were severely restricted by the Entente countries.
The diplomats, together with the military-medical missions, took care of the captive Ukrainians - the soldiers of the former Russian army who were held in the German camps, and also cared for by those Ukrainians who remained in exile and worked or studied in this country.References
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