The role of love affection in the formation of social cooperation and caring for offspring in humans and animals


  • Sergei Kliman Center for Humanitarian Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



ardipithecus, the theory of the Black Queen, empathy, caring for the offspring, bipedalism, love affection, social cooperation


This paper is devoted to the theme of the role of love affection in the social life of animals and humans. Attention is drawn to the importance of empathy among some species of monogamous mammals, which played an important role in the development of love relationships. The hypothesis of anthropologist Owen Lovejoy is considered, according to which love and care played an exceptionally important role in the evolution of early hominids, which became a possible cause of canine reduction, concealed ovulation, development of bipedal and brain enlargement. The family relationship of the ancient ardipithecus is the key to understanding the evolution of Homo sapiens. The hypothesis of the Black Queen is analyzed, which suggests one of the explanations for the popularity of sexual reproduction among eukaryotic organisms.

Author Biography

Sergei Kliman, Center for Humanitarian Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Kliman, S. (2017). The role of love affection in the formation of social cooperation and caring for offspring in humans and animals. Skhid, (5(151).


