Spiral model of the life cycle of the project for the promotion of industrial enterprise development





management, model, lifecycle, development, industrial enterprise, provision, spiral model


The article analyzes the models on which implementation of strategic development measures (projects) may take place (the most common (in terms of accompanying support processes): cascade (waterfall) or sequential, iterative or incremental of the development project is proposed, each stage of which his identified by means of a developed system of indicators of the performance of the completed work plan and expended resources. Model allows in time to determine the need for expansion of the amount of provision or its reduction (the transition of divergence of the processes of providing development projects into convergence), which is explained by the calculation of the expediency of maintaining the maintenance of the developed development projects on the market or not.

Author Biography

Olga Rusinova, Donetsk Institute of Urban Municipal Economy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor of Department of Accounting and Audit


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How to Cite

Rusinova, O. (2017). Spiral model of the life cycle of the project for the promotion of industrial enterprise development. Skhid, (3(123), 58–64. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.3(123).114138


