Soviet military mobilization in the year 1944-1945 on the territory of Western Ukraine
mobilization, Regional Military Commissariat, District Military CommissariatAbstract
The article shows and analyzes mobilization campaign on the territory of Western Ukraine in years 1944 and 1945. It was found that recruitment started only after an appropriate resolution of Committee of State Security was issued. The investigation of mobilization process showed that there were no significant problems with mobilization during the February of 1944. On the other hand, March started with anti-mobilization activities of the armed resistance movement, which resulted in making the decision of total mobilization (of age 18-50, without medical examination). Its practical implementation was opposed by rebels and absence of visiting of recruiting offices. But with the help of force measures recruitment was finished by the end of July.
Total mobilization was canceled at the beginning of August, and there were age limits of 18-35 established. The analysis of mobilization campaign in the period from August to September showed that there was an active opposition by Ukrainian resistance movement and that it wasn't finished by the end of September. The mobilization of people in age from 35 to 45 years and 17-years old youth, which was organized during November-December, had the same results. So in the year 1945, the mobilization in Western Ukraine was still in progress. It's worth mentioning that same as in August-December of1944 inJanuary-May 1945 mobilization was successful thanks to forcing measures.
The vital point of mobilization was a military training of recruits. Existing data sources state that recruits from Western Ukraine had to have necessary training before being sent to the front lines. But in reality, this instruction was often not followed. It resulted in desertion and switching to enemy's side. Let's note that Polish, Czech, and Jews were mobilized as well as Ukrainians. The first two of them has no significant issues with this process, but Jews were often trying to avoid being recruited.References
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