Human happiness as a criteria for the development of Ukrainian society
happiness, social being, welfare, family, "cognate labor", trust, suffering, war, subjectivity, sustainable developmentAbstract
In the article the author presents a guide to the development of happiness in Ukraine at the stage of its transformation. The author substantiates the importance of taking into account the person's happiness in the integral model of a social organism and the forms of its steady development. Happiness of a person as a universal social value is particularly acute for modern Ukraine in the light of the significant transformations that take place today. Over the past decade, Ukrainian society did not know the problems of military aggression, terrorism, information and psychological influence, manipulation of individual behavior and consciousness, they lead to a change in the picture of the world, the destruction of the integrity of being of individuals. The author analyzes the reasons for the destruction of happiness of the general population based on the mutual influence of personal happiness and public happiness.
In this article, the author understands happiness as a dynamic state of social being, in which, in the process of active conscious-creative activity, a person realizes socially significant needs, interests, goals, values, reaches harmony with the internal and external worlds. The author shows for the achievement of happiness the necessary activity of subjects of social development. The scale of happiness is personal and social. Seeds of personal happiness should be sought in the recent Soviet past. Happiness depends on many external and internal conditions.
Thus, in order to ensure the level of happiness of Ukrainians, the necessary sustainable development has increased: a harmonious combination of economic, social, environmental, political, spiritual prerequisites that will protect the future generations, provide opportunities for the development of freedom of life, careful attitude to the environment. Stability in the functioning of society, the development of democratic freedoms, the trust of citizens in the institutions of power, as well as labor, are the prerequisites for the formation of happiness.References
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