5 Sola Reformation. Theological principles of heterogenious protestantism
Sola Scriptura, Sola gratia, Sola fide, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria, Magisterial Reformation, Radical Reformation, Luther, Eastern Christianity, Western ChristianityAbstract
The paper displays the religious and theological foundations, which initiated the reformation process with the help of nowadays popular markers known as 5 Sola of Reformation. It demonstrates the main theological principles which identify Protestantism among other religious groups. But simultaneously the hermeneutics of these principles divides Protestantism into many currents, which forms this religious movement heterogeneity. The main focus of the article lays on the comparative description of each of five features of the theological system of Reformed theology in the understanding of masters and radical reformation. The history of formation of 5 Sola and its theological meaning are analyzed as well.
The paper's main interest is focused on the basic formal principle of all the Protestant movement - Sola Scriptura. The author of the article describes the Postmodern society challenges faced by this principle, he demonstrates what it does and what it does not mean in contemporary Evangelical movement. The meaning of Sola gratia as a formation point of Lutheran theological system is exposed, a different understanding of faith and interpretation of the principle of Sola fide in magisterial and radical Protestantism is exposed, the peculiarities of application of the principles of Solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria in Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
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