State policy relatively repatriation and creating conditions for life in the historical homeland of the Crimean Tatars in 1956-2014
deportation, Crimean Tatars, Crimean Tatar movement, repression, rehabilitation, repatriation, special settlersAbstract
In the article the features of the state policy on repatriation of the Crimean Tatars to their historical homeland in 1956-2014.
The process of repatriation and attempt to create conditions for life in their historic homeland of the Crimean Tatars - a long and complicated process, the result of a long struggle of the Crimean Tatar people for their rights in the face of fierce discrimination on the part of the party and the Soviet leadership. Economic problems and inconsistent government policies have a negative impact on many aspects of resolving the repatriation after the Soviet collapse in independent Ukraine.
Repatriation of deported peoples of Crimea was made possible by the liberalization of political life in the Soviet Union after Stalin's death and condemnation in 1956 deportations policy at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party. However, the legal framework that was established in 1956, included the release of Crimean Tatars from special settlements residence without the right to return to Crimea, without the return of seized property.
Active political actions in 1967 Crimean Tatars have provided them political rehabilitation (canceled charges of "treason against the fatherland"). However, the discriminatory restrictions on returning to their historic homeland were not removed.
The contents of the official of government policy towards Crimean Tatars changing only in the late 1980s. It was considered illegal and criminal repression of the peoples affected by forced deportation. To compensate for their loss of property during deportation have developed special state programs. However, spontaneous and massive return of Crimean Tatars in the early 1990s created serious social and economic difficulties. The failed coup in August 1991 and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union led to the denunciation of state and inter-republican agreements on implementation of joint programs of repatriation. Ukraine and Crimea were left alone with this problem.
In the 1991-2014 years authorities of Ukraine are trying to solve problems of socio-economic, ethnic and humanitarian plan for the improvement and integration into Ukrainian society of the Crimean Tatars.
Official conceptual approach regarding the status of the Crimean Tatars as to the object of national policy in Ukraine in 1991-2013 years was based on the recognition of ethnic group that has the same rights as other ethnic groups of Ukraine, but because of the "special reason" (deported) require additional support of the government as a guarantee of preservation and development of ethnic group.
Ukraine had changed its position on this issue after the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014: Crimean Tatars received the status of "indigenous people" who have the right to political self-determination in their ethnic territory (Crimea) as part of Ukraine.References
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