The interpretation of paganish in the philosophical and religious ideas of ukrainian philosophers of 1870s-1960s: methodological reflections




"divine dialectics", "mystical sense", "religious logics", temporal rhythm


The object for analysis is the philosophical and theological idea of God in the structure of human, the universe and His names. The ideas of transfiguration and revelation (spiritual renewal) have also been discussed. Interpretation of paganism is based on legacy of Ukrainian thinkers (1870s-1960s), including but not limited to Sylvestr Gogotskyi, Markellin Olesnytskyi, Mykola Berdiaiev, Serhii Bulhakov, and Vasyl Zinkivskyi.

The use of different methods - functional, systemic, comparative, and hermeneutic, helped conduct a comprehensive analysis of the topic in view of different temporhythmical interconnection of (inter)religious communications and interdisciplinary space. A claim is made that the contradictions, which can become antinomies, are regular as they stimulate the search for truth through revealing truthfulness when expressing the ideas discussed.

A complex of processes that have emerged forms their so called "cascade" in which certain paradoxicality is caused by such term phrases as "mystical sense", "divine dialectics", "religious logics". Yet, the use of principles of integrity, free development and spiritual change, transcendence and harmony-symphony gives ground for substantiating their relevant use in modern science after decades of forced suppression. Simultaneously, new (author's) terms are put forward: "multiprocess simultaneity", "believe-in", "revelation studies". In this way a lacuna of necessary terms may be filled to a certain extent which will encourage diversification of heuristic activity and completeness of the analysis itself. Attention was also given to the connection between ideas analyzed and certain mentality features of Ukrainians, particularly within the context of "freedom revelation". One of the factors for direct functional contextual appropriation of the author's terms is systemic understanding of faith phenomenologization and a comprehensive analysis of the relation "God-human-God" which is multidimensional in its structure.

Objective regularity of interconnection between ideas analyzed is affirmed. Elements of synthesis are formed in their space and as a matter of course they harmonize and sometimes transform into the state of symphony.

Author Biography

Zуnovij Timenyk, National University "Lviv Polytechnics"

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and Etnical communications


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How to Cite

Timenyk, Z. (2017). The interpretation of paganish in the philosophical and religious ideas of ukrainian philosophers of 1870s-1960s: methodological reflections. Skhid, (1(147).


