Formation of the methodical approach to evaluation of the transportation companies economic security


  • Oksana Karpenko Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny, Ukraine
  • Serhii Lebedko Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny, Ukraine



enterprise transport, economic security, lights, indicators, methodical approach


Transportation companies which operate in risk conditions need the organization and management of the system of economic security. Ensuring adequate economic security in activities of transportation companies is one of the main management tasks because the efficiency of operation of the business depends on it. Development and implementation of a system of evaluation the level of economic security of the transportation companies, adequate to modern market conditions, enhances the efficiency of transportation companies.

Based on analysis of the literature, there are a number of approaches to the assessment of the economic security on the enterprise, in particular, resource, task, complex and so on.

Methodological approach to the evaluation of the economic security of the transportation companies on the sources of threats is proposed. The sources and causes of threats, risks and effects of realized risk indicators for the economic security of the transportation companies are identified according to the proposed methodological approach to the evaluation of the economic security.

Assessment indicators may vary depending on the realized risk. A flexible system of indicators that includes absolute and relative figures are formed for making management decisions on the basis of the proposed evaluation of the economic security of the transportation companies indicators. Absolute figures are estimated in the dynamics and are analyzed on the structure. Relative figures are formed as the ratio of the corresponding absolute index to the value either volume of traffic, or the number of rolling stock, or the number of employees, or the cost of resources and so on.

Threats significantly affect the level of economic security, create the need for efficient internal threats management, and mechanisms of adaptation to external threats in the system of economic safety of the transportation companies. This allows the transportation companies to ensure effective management decisions to minimize or avoid the impact of threats on the activities of transportation companies, and thus to achieve a high level of economic security.

Author Biographies

Oksana Karpenko, Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, professor of management and economics of water transport 

Serhii Lebedko, Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny

Researcher of the Department of Management and Economics water transport 


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How to Cite

Karpenko, O., & Lebedko, S. (2017). Formation of the methodical approach to evaluation of the transportation companies economic security. Skhid, (6(146).


