The primary concepts of soviet urbanization or protos preudos social town




nomos, fuses, Soviet urbanization, revolution, total mobilization, the Soviet solidarity, wrong experience


The article reconstructs the false foundations of Soviet designs imaginable urbanization detects starting social places concepts of "classical" days of building socialism. Projected into the future the idea of permanent revolution, the destruction of "bourgeois barbarism" and desire the establishment of legal order Bolsheviks led the workers to the approval of a new type of state and the formation of a new anthropological type of person. This type - "eternal revolutionary", "architect of the new world" had to live with a single purpose - to extend the principles of proletarian justice to the axis of the world.

The epicenter of the factory or the formation of the new man was an industrial city - industrial zone heroically-miltarism work. The main method of the formation of cities and the new man was a total mobilization, the image of the antagonistic enemy of mythic-Titanic goal, collectively practice of collective responsibility, temporal-topeni the control of the state-party bodies the army-camp architecture, etc. The Communists sought to build the city for centuries, people, nomos chose to build incubators "eternal revolutionaries", the barracks of the unknown soldier or barracks devotees of "Stakhanovite". In the draft party not only needs to become an industrial base for future victories over bourgeois barbarism, but also a gathering place loyal fighters for a revolutionary breakthrough - the construction of communism all over the world.

Social city - misguided or sinister space, which is not provided for the life of a healthy society. It is the fruit of pure nomos, state coercion, that denied cultural and national experiences, socio-economic patterns, cravings human being the ruins of the Communist concepts of permanent revolution and militarism of labor.

The experience of the Communist daydreaming inspires the statement that as an axiom of the relationship of nomos and fuses in urban (social) space is the right man for happiness. A key measure of their dialectical interaction is the reliance on the security and preservation of the integrity of human nature, national heritage, the experience of past generations.

Author Biography

Oleh Turenko, Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kryvyi Rig

Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant of the General Legal Disciplines Department


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How to Cite

Turenko, O. (2016). The primary concepts of soviet urbanization or protos preudos social town. Skhid, (5(145).


