The role of mediation in the development of insurance market of Ukraine


  • Olga Slobodyanyuk Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics, Ukraine



mediation, insurance market, insurance, reinsurance, brokerage


Relevance of the article is determined that the effective functioning of the reinsurance market greatly depends on the development of its infrastructure because it creates opportunities for implementation of reinsurance services, mediates, accelerates and facilitates placement and execution of reinsurance contracts. Given the state of the domestic insurance market mediation necessary means to enhance its development and integration into the global reinsurance market.

The article is a study of measures to enhance the role of mediation in the insurance market of Ukraine.

The article provided a critical assessment of the legal status of insurance mediation in Ukraine. Factors that determine its role in the insurance market of Ukraine. Established quantitative and cost indicators of intermediation of brokers in insurance and reinsurance, given their logical explanation. Suggestions to create appropriate conditions for the development of mediation in the insurance and reinsurance markets in Ukraine.

Mediation plays an important role in the development of the insurance market of Ukraine since: helping the participants to choose the most optimal proposal for the establishment of additional guarantees of the insurance liabilities; strengthening partnerships and trust between the reinsurer and the reinsurer; improves the quality and dynamics of sales reinsurance services; supports a healthy competitive environment in the reinsurance market.

It was established that the quantitative and cost indicators of intermediation of brokers in insurance and / or reinsurance in Ukraine do not match. By number of deals leadership position with insurers-residents, the cost - non-resident reinsurers. The most attractive segment for mediation turned provision of agreements with non-resident reinsurers for property insurance.

To create the appropriate conditions for the development of mediation in the insurance and reinsurance markets of Ukraine should: increase transparency of brokers to introduce their professional liability insurance and the formation of guarantee funds.

Author Biography

Olga Slobodyanyuk, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance


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How to Cite

Slobodyanyuk, O. (2016). The role of mediation in the development of insurance market of Ukraine. Skhid, (5(145).


