Female elements in figuratively symbolic ideas of Slavic mythology





myth, cult, woman, archetype, symbols


In article it is proved that in the life of the Slavic peoples the special place held by a woman. "Female" cults and beliefs reflected in figurative and symbolic representations of Slavic mythology. It recorded the stereotypes, archetypes and symbols which are then in an ancient society has formed certain social attitudes and cultural canons. Figuratively symbolic representations in different cultures became the basis of the IN social constructs of identity related cultures. Figuratively, a symbolic representation of Slavic mythology testify to the woman's place in society, her position in the family, relationship with man and environment.

History mythology gives the opportunity to see the unity of the human mind (consciousness) and divine soul (the unconscious (according to Jung) of man and nature. But the emergence of Archetypal images is partly determined by the individual typological structure of human identity.

Already in ancient mythology was formed the cult of Woman, which for thousands of years, embodies the ambivalence of perception: the magic authority of feminity, wisdom and spiritual growth, extending beyond formal logic, any helpful instinct or impulse all that is called kindness, which gives care and support, contributes to the development and productiveness of, contrasted with secret hidden dark: the abyss, the world of the dead, all that devours, seduces and poisons, everything that causes terror and is inevitable as fate itself. Ancient women's cults of the Slavs was a holistic cultural-ideological system, appears part of a wider system of mythological ideas of the peoples of Europe.

Women's cults of the peoples of Eastern and Western Slavs belong to the related cultures. Slavic mythological images are close to the mythological images of the other peoples of Europe (particularly the Celts and Greeks), however, have their identity associated with the allocation of the total Indo-European family, at a certain stage of development of ethnos.

The analysis of figurative and symbolic representations of Slavic mythology suggests that actualizes the problem of incorporating a "women's cults" gender and strain family relations.

Author Biography

Diana Chuvashova, Taras Shevchenko National University

graduate student


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How to Cite

Chuvashova, D. (2016). Female elements in figuratively symbolic ideas of Slavic mythology. Skhid, (4(144), 105–110. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2016.4(144).78202


