The personalistic ideas at the creative work of Vasyl Stus
personalism, person, selfrealization, personification, creation work, humanAbstract
The article presents the analysis of the ideas of personalism in the creative work of Vasyl Stus. It is disclosed interpretation of Ukrainian writer of human as a person through it desire to selfimproved. It is outlined the phenomenon of Ukrainian personalism through the prism of create work of V. Stus in his interpretation of human as a spiritual person.
It is proved that philosophical-literary heritage of the Ukrainian poet ambivalent identificates on the philosophical views of personalistics that is relevant for today. Unfortunately, the understanding of the being of the person, the meaning of it life today is still outside philosophical studies. In the article is implemented the philosophical analyses of Vasyl Stus creative work from the perspective of meaning literature as the nontheoretical form of philosophing which is the leading problem is a human being.
It is focused onto personalistic ideas in outlook of V. Stus where the human does not comprehended as simply object that clear and distinctly is installed yet in the article. It is affirmed that V. Stus analyzed the human as such that is person in formation, as all world, which only the part of person. Human be able to know itself in view of "I" open structure and only there it can selfrealized as person, instead the process of cognition person itself - it is the process of active mastering a being, the process of selfperformance.References
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