The system of social responsibility of the society




essential sign of social being, social responsibility, social principle, social law, social norm


The author's concept of social responsibility locates in article as essential sign of social being. Social responsibility appears as a dialectical unity of opposites - the freedom and necessity, the degree of freedom and the need to measure, which must comply with the requirements of all subjects of public relations, as the requirements of the law (measures is the law). Responsible communications and dependences, as the general factor of social self-organization, creates society structure on a vertical (society - a social community - the personality) and across (ecology, economy, policy, the right, morals, an esthetics, religion). As the general social integrator of social being social responsibility can be identified as the general social principle. The principle of social responsibility, subsystem (ecological, political and others) the principles, laws and norms represent dialectic unity general, special and single.

The article substantiates the idea that the growth of social responsibility is an basic law of the sociology. For this, he presents the history of mankind as an evolutionary change in forms of social responsibility.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Shybko, Mariupol Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

PhD, assistant professor of social sciences and psychology Department


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How to Cite

Shybko, O. (2016). The system of social responsibility of the society. Skhid, (2(142), 92–99.


