The phenomenon of Internet subcultures: philosophical and anthropological analysis




Internet subculture, gamers, hackers, bloggers, trolling


The article is devoted to Internet subcultures. The author draws attention to the features of the existence and activities of Internet subcultures. Given the extensive feature gaming, hacker subculture, their classification and function.

Much analysis in the article is devoted to the aspects of changes of human identity under the influence of the Internet and how the behavior stereotypes and lifestyle is changed under the influence of the Internet.

The emergence of specific Internet-culture, as well as the influence of the Internet on culture changes is analyzed in the article.

The conditions under which the new Internet-communities are formed and how Internet neglects the frontiers between the countries and time zones are examined in the article. The emergence of new Internet-communities, which evolve and function in the electronic network in order to serve various professional, political, social tasks as well as satisfying person's interests in Arts are analyzed and characterized in the article.

Internet-subcultures are considered as a part of the general culture of society, the representatives of which differ in their behavior from the majority of the society. Internet-subculture, however, may differ from the dominant culture by the system of values, manner of behavior, clothes and other aspects.

Finally, Internet-subcultures are characterized as a specific cultural phenomenon, which was formed due to rapid development of the new information technologies.

Author Biography

Petro Krasnopyorov, the Kharkiv National V.N. Karazin University



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How to Cite

Krasnopyorov, P. (2016). The phenomenon of Internet subcultures: philosophical and anthropological analysis. Skhid, (2(142), 74–78.


