Play employment potential in the system to ensure balanced development of rural areas




rural areas, rural population, the agricultural sector, agricultural enterprises, employment potential


Existing today demographic situation, rural employment, labor productivity and wages in the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

It was established that the population of Ukraine, including rural population, is characterized by a tendency to decrease, which is due to negative population growth and migration and negatively affects the reproduction of labor potential of agricultural enterprises; continues the process of dying villages, progressing decay of social infrastructure in rural areas. Decreased number of employees of the agricultural sector, primarily because of a lack of motivation to work in the countryside. Wages of workers of the agricultural sector is the lowest among all types of economic activity remains relatively high unemployment rate, which, moreover, continues to increase, the level of productivity increases due to extensive factors, that is not conducive to the efficiency of agricultural production.

Proposed to develop a unified concept of balanced development of rural areas of Ukraine, which would be based on "Strategies intelligent and balanced development, promoting social activity", launched by the European Union, and included: supporting employment in rural areas and the preservation of social structures in rural areas; improve the rural economy and support diversification; consideration of the structural diversity of agricultural systems, improving conditions for small enterprises and the development of local markets; introduction to rural areas of urban standards of quality of life.

Author Biography

Maryna Hylka, Institute for Natural Resources Management Universities "University of Economics and Law "KROK", Kolomyia

PhD in Economics, assistant professor of fundamental, applied and general preparation 


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How to Cite

Hylka, M. (2016). Play employment potential in the system to ensure balanced development of rural areas. Skhid, (8(140).