Conceptual principles of forming the pharmaceutical Ukraine's security system




Concept of pharmaceutical security of Ukraine, the pharmaceutical market, the state policy on the development of pharmaceutical business in Ukraine


This article highlights the conceptual principles of forming the pharmaceutical Ukraine's security system. The authors note the fragmentation of research in the domestic pharmaceutical science on the state and mechanisms of pharmaceutical security of the state and lack of coordination of priorities and mechanisms of the individual subjects of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. In this regard, they argue that the priorities which should be reflected in the concept of pharmaceutical security of Ukraine, are the involvement of relevant authorities, leading research institutions, other entities of the pharmaceutical industry to expand and improve the development of normative and legal acts in this area.

Author Biographies

Irina Susharina, Donetsk State University of Management

Listener of Magistracy of specialty "Administrative Management"; Deputy Chief of Service, Head of state control in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical products in the medication service of Donetsk region

Iryna Kyrychenko, Donetsk State University of Management

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Administrative Management



How to Cite

Susharina, I., & Kyrychenko, I. (2015). Conceptual principles of forming the pharmaceutical Ukraine’s security system. Skhid, 70–72.