Methods and criteria of individual and group assessment of personnel in state institutions




staff assessment methods, a government agency, the criteria for assessment, classification


The article considers the concept of staff assessment. Being eligible to evaluating the personnel in public institutions, the methods and criteria are summarized, being based on the analysis of the classification of areas of business entities personnel evaluation and on the approaches and methods of this assessment described in the literature. The paper argues that incomprehensive and unsystematic personnel evaluation assessment procedures are typical in the domestic practice. The authors claim that effective system of personnel estimation in public institutions should primarily focus on simplified procedures for assessment and the constructive feedback between the object and subjects of evaluation.

Author Biographies

Svetlana Malakhova, Donetsk State University of Management

Listener of Magistracy of specialty "Civil Service"; chief specialist, Financial and Credit Support Department, Ministry of Agricultural and Industrial Development

Valentina Tokareva, Donetsk State University of Management

Doctor's Degree in Public Administration, Professor



How to Cite

Malakhova, S., & Tokareva, V. (2015). Methods and criteria of individual and group assessment of personnel in state institutions. Skhid, 36–39.