Managing the development of urban agglomerations in Ukraine: economic and legal problems




urban agglomerations, development management, the interaction of local communities, the legal regulation


The article describes the economic and legal problems of management of development of urban agglomerations in Ukraine. Composition, structure, causes the formation of urban agglomerations have been characterized. Types of urban agglomerations were considered. The main stages of development of urban agglomerations have been identified. Factors and the economic and legal conditions for the development of urban agglomerations were systematized. Features resources and potential of the urban agglomeration have been identified. Resources include: natural resources, manufacturing capacity, production capacity. The development potential of the urban agglomeration includes: resource potential agglomeration, organizational actions to use these features. The role of infrastructure for the development of the urban agglomeration was determined. The need to manage the operation and development of the urban agglomeration was justified. Were identified differences between the functioning and development of the urban agglomeration. Management functions for urban agglomerations were identified. They include: planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring. Coordination function provides the interaction of local communities, which are included in the urban agglomeration. The interaction of local communities is based on the rule of law. Complex tasks was formed. With it will be addressed economic, organizational and legal problems of management of the development of urban agglomerations.

Author Biography

Sergei Bogachov, Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Еconomic Sciences, professor, the acting head of the Department of Economic and Legal problems in Cities


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How to Cite

Bogachov, S. (2015). Managing the development of urban agglomerations in Ukraine: economic and legal problems. Skhid, (5(137), 14–17.