Modern historical science: methodological aspect


  • Volodymyr Kravchenko



historical research methodology, methodological principle, scientific method


The paper reviews and analyzes methodological principles and methods of current historical studies. From the author's perspective, history as a science is organically connected with the life of society and should reflect events and facts of the past in a realistic and unbiased manner. The vision of the past is directly governed by the historical situation. As a consequence, with the perspective changed and the 'datum' shifted, history takes a different interpretation underpinned with new evaluation of historical events, phenomena and processes. Concurrently, such rethinking covers the entire historical process, which is directly preceded by changes in the methodology of historical learning and theoretical justification for renewal of the arsenal of historical studies. According to the author, the most topical methods for modern historical research are general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the retrospective and historical comparative methods as well as such methods as statistic, historical genetic, hermeneutic, historical biographical, linguistic etc. It is the author's opinion that among up-dated methodological principles to be adhered to by historians the weightiest are those of historicism and consistency of research, objectivity, omnitude and pluralism.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Kravchenko

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, V. (2015). Modern historical science: methodological aspect. Skhid, (3(135).