Labor market in Ukraine: development, factors and regulation requirements




labour market, mixed economy, the mechanism of regulation, accounting mechanism of regulation, the programs of employment


The paper reviews the labor market with account of its being an economic category while performing as an important subsystem of mixed economy. Such a methodological approach allowed to more accurately identify factors and attributes of the labor market, specifically in Ukraine, and substantiate the logic of the approach to an objective necessity of its regulation in mixed economy. Assuming the operational logic of the specific mechanism for mixed economy regulation, which is based on the necessity to combine market and planning (public) management methods, the author substantiates the need for such a regulation method for the labor market as well.

It is concluded that the labor market of Ukraine necessitates, firstly, the development and implementation of specific employment programs, supplemented with individual programs for youth, and, secondly, the allowance for regional differences in the socio-economic development, which require regional employment programs.

Further, the author explores negative situations in the performance of the Ukrainian labor market, which have to be allowed for in the above-mentioned programs, and analyzes the expediency of retaining such a time-tested way of influencing the labor market as target agreements.

Author Biography

Grigorii Shtein, Donetsk Lyceum "College"

Ph. D. in Economics, Assistant Professor, Director


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How to Cite

Shtein, G. (2015). Labor market in Ukraine: development, factors and regulation requirements. Skhid, (1(133).


