Kiev budget potential structure optimization under decentralization policies




Kyiv budget potential, fiscal decentralization, area alternative potential budget structure


The article aims to develop a model Kyiv budget potential optimization under the new realities of fiscal decentralization in Ukraine. Analyzing, summarizing and systematizing regulations that were adopted in the context of local government reforms during 2012 and early 2015, considered and constructed criteria for the two scenarios Kyiv budget potential alternative structure and established relationships between them. The study had identified three initial positions, which should be considered during the restructuring of potential budget areas: fiscal opportunities available, limited budget costs and changing priorities of intergovernmental relations.

In the process of constructing a model Kyiv budget potential structure optimization found that innovation fiscal decentralization should strengthen the capacity of the tax component of the city budget by 15-20 percent compared to previous years. At the same time when modeling two scenarios of further development ("sustainable development" and "stability") real priorities of strengthening local financial base are precisely excise retailers who shall produce a tenth of the city budget total revenues. In addition, analysis income tax revenue share entities showed a robust dependence and may prevent the planned budget revenue for the city in terms of a significant deterioration in the economic situation. A more rational option would be consolidation of value added tax in the same proportion (3-5 percent) produced in Ukraine goods (works, services), which provides roughly the same potential revenues to the city budget, but they are much less dependent from short-term fluctuations in the economy.

Author Biographies

Yevgen Volkovskyi, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Assistant Professor of Financial Markets

Hanna Kotina, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance

Maryna Stepura, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance


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How to Cite

Volkovskyi, Y., Kotina, H., & Stepura, M. (2015). Kiev budget potential structure optimization under decentralization policies. Skhid, (1(133).


