Model of pension provision




model, pension services, the dynamics of development, pension reform, social and economic processes, demographic processes, the crisis


Disclosed the issues of forming a new model of pension provision in Ukraine. The detailed structure of the model of pension provision. Analyzes the main approaches of different countries in the implementation and operation of the pension system. Defined the fundamental purpose of the description of the model is to fight poverty in the sones redistribution of income between rich and poor. Found that the basis of the model of mandatory social insurance institution, the purpose of institution is to protect employed people from sudden and sharp decline in unacceptable levels of income resulting in incapacitation. Defined he functions of the pension system. They are elements of the social protection system, support the standard of living and anticipate negative effects, possibly due to a decrease in revenue caused by the cessation of professional activity. With features recipients of pensions play an important role in the domestic consumer market, the pension provision allows capitalize ways to invest. Identify priority development for Ukraine, because the implementation of the pension reform is one of the major challenges facing the country in terms of day. This analysis of various models of construction of pension systems suggests that in the current environment is the most effective mixed type, which allows relying basically on distributive principles optimum advantage of storage mechanisms established under the economic instability present.

Author Biography

Anastasiya Savchenko, Azov State Technical University, Mariupol

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Savchenko, A. (2016). Model of pension provision. Skhid, (8(140).