St. Augustine's intentions in matters of individual and collective syncs in the area of policy




individual, collective, state, transcendent, immanent, illumination, social, association


Disclosed Augustine intentions of individual and collective synchronization in the area of policy. In order to harmonize the contradictions of individual and collective approach to improving and theologian offered a number of social and political concepts. He advised, despite the sinful nature of the state, actively using it in the common cause of salvation. In this case, consider the fact that the state is complex onto-social phenomenon that exists in the dynamics, which changes its nature depending on the historical processes and goals change all its social components. St. Augustine considered the nature of the state from all sides - it can be a bunch of thieves, contractual association of social institutions, providing peace and improvement of citizens; serves as a hierarchical and ordered integrity, force provides a stable level of cohabitation foolish subordinates; and finally a political space of the design and implementation of the will of God chosen between the king and the people. However, the defined features of the state, for the theologian is transcendental manifestations of harmonization and intrinsic aspirations of individuals and the collective, historically the established in the earthly existence.

Improving the political realm for St. Augustine is a matter of individual - those who have received rulers the gift of illumination. This concept was the basis of the theory in the Middle Ages pastoral state, the idea of a single "social body", where the king played a key communicator will of the Creator and the church. Along with this theologian did not deny the possibility of diverse associations and virtuous people to actively intervene in the affairs of states and coordinate its true purpose.

Author Biography

Oleh Turenko, Donetsk Law Institute

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Turenko, O. (2014). St. Augustine’s intentions in matters of individual and collective syncs in the area of policy. Skhid, (5(131).


