"Palestinian Issue" in Anglo-American Relations (1945-1948)





Palestine, United States of America, Great Britain, Zionism, Anglo-American relations


The paper reviews the 'Palestinian issue' in Anglo-American diplomacy after the end of World War II (1945-1948). The author examines activities of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine and reveals the nature of Anglo-American controversy as to the Palestinian issue for the purpose.

The operation of the above Committee resulted in identification of principles of the future structure of Palestine, which implied equitable coexistence of the Arabs and the Jews within one territory controlled by Great Britain, with two autonomous provinces to be subsequently set up under the control of the High Commissioner of Palestine. Since neither the principles developed by the Committee nor the follow-up plans on settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict were never implemented due to sharp criticism of both countries participating in the settlement, resolution of the Palestinian issue was referred to the competence of the UNO in1947. Anew Commission was set up, which comprised representatives of neutral states, who put forward a so-called 'plan of the majority' (which implied a partition of Palestine, based on setting up an Economic Union and turning Jerusalem into an international zone) and a 'plan of the minority' (a federal structure of Palestine, with its capital in Jerusalem, in a plan of three year transition period).

The paper examines the political confrontation of the USA and Great Britain as to those plans, which came to an end in November 1947 when the UNO adopted a resolution on the rights of both peoples who lived in Palestine to set up two independent states.

By pointing out the complexity and contradictoriness of the Palestine issue in the Anglo-American relations, the author concludes that a constant cause of the split-up between the USA and Great Britain was the loss by London of a decisive role in the global balance of military and political forces. Further, in pursuing their pragmatic objectives, both countries themselves often provoked large-scale Arab-Israeli conflicts, thus departing far from the official goal of their 'settlement'.

Author Biography

Tetiana Klynina, National aviation university, Kyiv

candidate of historical sciences, assistance of the Department of History and Record Management 


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How to Cite

Klynina, T. (2014). "Palestinian Issue" in Anglo-American Relations (1945-1948). Skhid, (3(129). https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2014.3(129).25742


