The Kyiv community early 60-s years XIX century: рroblem in Ukrainian historiography the second half of XIX - first third ХХ centuries
Kyiv community, Ukrainian communities' movement, of community activities, Ukrainian historiographyAbstract
The second half of the nineteenth century in the history of the Ukrainian people was the culmination of the revival of national culture. Organizational form of Ukrainian national movement in this period were community - combining semi Ukrainian intelligentsia cultural and socio-political orientation formed in all major cities of Ukrainian lands.
In the history of Kyiv Ukrainian community movement certainly played an important role as a cultural and socio-political center of the Dnieper Ukraine. Kiev an community was one of the first of community organizations in the Ukrainian lands formed in the second half of the ХІХ century.
Considering the historiography of early ХХ century, Note the well-known researchers M. Нrushevkyi, A. Yefymenko, I. Steshenko, whose work was of great importance for the theme. A. Iefimenko, learning communities' movement of the late ХІХ century, Examined the formation and operation of the Kiev community, noting its composition and publishing. M.Hrushevskyi community members noted the impact on the revival of Ukrainian national culture. Hromadivets I. Steshenko paid attention to the Ukrainian language through which fosters the idea of national revival.
B. Miyakovskyy publishing their work in the 20-ies of XX century, Touched on the impact on Cyril and Methodius in community development movement in the Ukrainian lands in the second half of the ХІХ century, аnd pointed out the relationship with the Polish community of Kiev student commune, which had a great impact on the community.
Historiography of the 30's of the ХХ century. plays an important role in revealing the problem. It is represented by studies of Soviet historians and researchers Ukrainian diaspora. Researchers looked at the Kiev community, its foundation, the main activities and significance for the community movement of the late nineteenth century. A historiography D. Zaslavsky, V.Miyakovskyy, criticized the hromadamen, considering the Ukrainian national movement in the 60 's of the ХІХ century.
Radically different from Soviet researchers Ukrainian Diaspora abroad. Among them D.Doroshenko who attempted relatively positive assessments on the time of formation and activities of the Kyiv community.References
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