Relationship of spirituality and self-actualization of person in education




spirituality, self-actualization, philosophy of education, methodology


Providing spiritual identity and formation of its capacity for self-actualization is a main subject of its article. First of all, we are talking about forming a complex personality traits and abilities that are being directed at her self, is also the mechanisms of spirituality. Targeting of spirituality clearly expressed in the contents learner centered education, because the latter is aimed at meeting existential needs. Procedural and technological component provides the educational process such as integrated as the emphasis of individual semantic field that occurs in the presence of emotional experiences of individual experience mastering spiritual values. Using the potential of the concept of spirituality to determine the content of educational activities aimed at the goal of self-actualization, requires first of all overcome the technocratic orientation of the school, strengthening the spiritual and humanitarian principles in the education of individual approach.

Author Biography

Serhii Reznikov, Dnipropetrіvsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education



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How to Cite

Reznikov, S. (2014). Relationship of spirituality and self-actualization of person in education. Skhid, (2(128).


