Analysis of the current state of the industry of Ukraine




Industry of Ukraine, industrial enterprises of Ukraine, Indices of industrial production, profitable enterprises, profitability of enterprises


The author analyzes the current state of the industry in Ukraine. Identified and studied the factors which influence the functioning of the industrial enterprises in Ukraine led to the transformation of Ukrainian industrial sector profitable to unprofitable. The directions of the recovery of the industrial potential of Ukraine, which reflect the country's competitive advantages such as: 1) a significant base; 2) a favorable geographical position; 3) a relatively low proportion of labor costs in the cost structure of industrial products; 4) a huge untapped potential in domestic demand for industrial products.

The author states that required consideration and immediate solution should be such problems of the domestic industry: 1) wear and tear of fixed assets; 2) high dependence on the global markets and the excessive influence of external demand. Underdevelopment of domestic demand; 3) energy intensity of production; 4) lack of indigenous energy resources; 5) production of low value-added ; 6) lack of effective enrichment low quality domestic raw materials.

Author Biography

Olga Khodyakova, Donetsk National University

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Finance and Banking department


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How to Cite

Khodyakova, O. (2014). Analysis of the current state of the industry of Ukraine. Skhid, (2(128).


