People Living Arrangement, social matrix, social reproduction, social transformation, social development, social degradation, socio-cultural changesAbstract
The relevance of the research problem is that the understanding of socio-cultural transformation allows us to identify social processes that affect the functioning of post-Soviet Ukrainian society. The research subject is the social processes that determine the content and nature of socio-cultural transformation of post-Soviet Ukrainian society. The purpose of the article is to comprehend the impact of socio-cultural changes on the functioning of post-Soviet Ukrainian society. The methodology of the socio-cultural transformation research is based on the use of systematic, logical, historical, dialectical and socio-cultural approaches and methods. The results of scientific research. In post-Soviet Ukraine, the general context of socio-cultural change is due to the implementation of market reforms that have led to privatization, deindustrialization, mass marginalization, transition to a liberal state and depopulation. These processes have led to socio-cultural changes in the lives of Ukrainian citizens. There were important changes in the social sphere, the social structure of the population, the distribution of national wealth, which changed the direction of its movement from the dominance of social development to the predominance of social degradation. There was a change in the social matrix of society’s reproduction: there was a transition from the dominance of the middle classes’ culture to the spread of the culture of the poor, the main feature of which is the struggle for survival. The essence of the socio-cultural transformation of post-Soviet Ukrainian society is the transition from the absolutism of the state to the absolutism of the market, which means the transformation of everything possible into a commodity, and the dominance of commodity-money relations in all spheres of public life. This transition was accompanied by a change in the historical and cultural type of human personality, commercialization, deprofessionalization, as well as the primitivization of public administration. Changes in the culture’s state have complicated the reproduction of society as a whole. The Soviet way of life has been dismantled, and the failure of the social matrix indicates that a new way of life in post-Soviet Ukraine has not yet been formed, and therefore socio-cultural transformation must be aimed at its formation. The practical value of the results lies in substantiating the content of socio-cultural transformation in post-Soviet Ukraine and its impact on the functioning of society.
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