Source of learning the Ukrainian lands of the Austro-Hungarian foreign policy program of the Russian Empire during the First World War
Galicia, Bukovina, Hungary Russia, especially political department, the First World WarAbstract
The author aims to analyze asset sand documents Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, to clarify their significance in the development problems of space Ukrainian lands of the Austro-Hungary in the military and political programs of the Russian Empire before and during World War II.
The Collection of sources stored in AZPRI are currently the most complete and representative in the coverage of this problem. Documentary materials allow comprehensively examine the complex issues associated with the problem of the West Ukrainian in the Lands military-political doctrines of Russian ministries and officials at the beginning of XX century. A number of documents reflexives generally the social and political relations inAustria-Hungarybefore the Great War. The information about the Separate set of archival sources is on the Development of Ukrainian and Russophile movements, makes the Separate set of the archival sources, from the 80-th Jears of the XIX century, till the end of the war, the interconnection with them the Polish question and the financing by the imperial government pro-Russian sentiments in Galicia, Bukovina and Hungarian Rus before and during the military campaign. Generally quite valuable to study the problem and allowing to follow the different aspects of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and individual political figures there, the special political department documents created during the war.
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