Daily life of red army soldiers in Donbas at the beginning of 1920s





daily life history, perusal letters, censorship, Red Army soldiers, first part of 1920s, Donbas


In the article on the base of fragments of perusal letters by GPU within the practice of censorship are reconstructed some aspects of perception of reality by Red Army soldiers, politics and ideology of the new government; place of Red Army soldiers in the new society and its social structure.

In particular, the results of active anti-religious campaign are investigated. The process of the anti-religious ideological education of the soldiers, and fixing in their mind the ideas about depending religion and the oppression, power of the bourgeois classes was described. Different kind of feedback of soldiers (from the high uptake of ideological attitudes to doubt and rejection of them) are fixed.

Some signs of formation of a new social structure of society and the emergence of new inequalities are revealed. The last one in those conditions was primarily related to the degree of integration into the structure of the Bolsheviks party in Soviet state.

The phenomenon of opportunism in career, which manifested in terms of mismatch expectations of power from the citizen and personal vision them of his life, is analyzed.

Author Biography

Oksana Mikheieva, Donetsk State University of Management

Doctor of Historical Science

Professor of the department Sociology of Management 


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How to Cite

Mikheieva, O. (2014). Daily life of red army soldiers in Donbas at the beginning of 1920s. Skhid, (1(127). https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2014.1(127).23119


