Problems of organization of the system of account and accounting of subject of small business


  • Mykhailo Pyvovarov Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy, Ukraine
  • Olga Panchenko Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy, Ukraine
  • Olena Lischenko Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy, Ukraine



small business entities, simplified taxation, organization of account, accounting


There are the brought results of main organization problems of accounting and reporting system of small business in Ukraine as important basis of ensuring competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy in the conditions of current world financial and economic crisis. The simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting of small business is a necessary state support and regulation tool. The article has analyses of the characteristics and disadvantages of different taxation groups of small businesses. It was found that current approach applied in Ukraine using to construct the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting is significantly different from the approaches used in the world. It was found that current model of simplified taxation, accounting and reporting using in Ukraine is characterized with only fiscal direction while ignoring the needs of small businesses in respect of the convenient and efficient accounting. This leads to the fact that a lot of small business in Ukraine focused on addressing poverty reduction, instead of innovation development. Author paid a particular attention to accounting policies improvement of the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting. Author suggesting the structure of the accounting policies order adapted to the small businesses needs that use the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo Pyvovarov, Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy

Doctor of Economics, professor

Olga Panchenko, Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Olena Lischenko, Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

Pyvovarov, M., Panchenko, O., & Lischenko, O. (2014). Problems of organization of the system of account and accounting of subject of small business. Skhid, (1(127).


