European experience on ensuring the economic security of tourist destinations




tourism, travel destination, geographical distribution of tourist flows, competitiveness, country risk


Tourism is deemed as one of the priorities among the spheres of national economic activities in the vast majority of the European countries, which is confirmed by the declarations of the G20 leaders on the multiple roles performed by the tourism: as a tool of new working places creation, improvement of the quality of work, poverty reduction and global economic growth. The growth in tourism sector projected by the European Commission for year 2013 is to support approximately 226 million working places within the industry.

The analysis of the statistical data of the EU member-states and leader-states in tourism proves the assumption on the economic impact of the tourism on the increase of the travel and tourism competitiveness index, as well as the reduction of the country risk. Such countries asSwitzerland,Canada,SwedenandSingaporeare regarded as leaders in global rankings due to the absence of Country Risk (economically safe countries with favorable economic and investment climate). Furthermore, the index of travel and tourism competitiveness (TTCI) is also top-ranked in these states, which proves the inextricable link between the economic security and competitiveness of tourism industry destination.

Ukraine's tourism sphere has been ranked quite poorly for the last two years, which confirms the imperfection of implemented policies and economic transformation processes as a whole, and in tourism sphere in particular.

The outcome of the analysis is the determination of the economic security components and maintenance of travel and tourism competitiveness, research on which under the presented hierarchical sequence allows implementation of local actions and achievement of global effect - competitive sphere of tourism in economically developed state.

Author Biographies

Yevgeniya Dragomirova, Donetsk State University of Management

PhD, Assistant Professor at tourism department

Oleksandr Sheptura, Administration, Ministry of armed forces of Ukraine

the head of department on prevention of ethnic criminal gangs and extremism, Organized Crime


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How to Cite

Dragomirova, Y., & Sheptura, O. (2014). European experience on ensuring the economic security of tourist destinations. Skhid, (1(127).


