



information, information society, information processes, network, cyber space


At the present stage, knowledge and information have become the most important resources that permit to achieve the desired goals, minimizing the resources of power, to turn opponents into allies. In addition, the problem of information security is especially relevant, which occupies one of the key places in the system of ensuring the vital interests of all countries without exception. This is primarily due to the urgent need to create a developed information environment of society. But it is through the information environment that threats to national security are most often made in various spheres of activity of the individual, society and the state. Information security is one of the acute socio-cultural problems of modern society, which has a systemic nature and affects the activities of major institutions and subsystems; the context of its influence includes key socio-cultural processes taking place in society. As the development of the information sphere, a person on his way encounters certain difficulties, some of which he has to solve on their own. This leads to the problem of forming in the subject of information culture, the level of which depends on a person's ability to adequately respond to changes in the environment. Network information security practices are determined by their functional significance, not by the location of the entities. Decisions are made online, but are implemented locally and territorially. The Internet is a space of the highest density and intensity of communication. Different types of social structures, determined by the direction, density and intensity of information flows, determine different forms of coordination in society. The ramifications of ways to ensure information security in terms of network communications of the information society are set by such a criterion as the level of communication intensity. Ensuring information security, especially on the Internet, is a practical step to bridge the gaps in information security and information security. Bridging the gaps is carried out in order to orient in the general information space for the control of information. The key risk factor for the information subsystem of society are large-scale socio-communicative and socio-cultural transformations, which carry a number of negative social, especially existential, consequences. In recent years, disorganization and dysfunctional trends directly related to high rates of information change have become clear. Information security is both information protection and protection from information.


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How to Cite

Danilyan, O., & Dzoban, A. (2021). EXISTENCE-NETWORK DIMENSION OF INFORMATION SECURITY IN MODERN SOCIETY. Skhid, 1(1), 11–17. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2021.1(1).225250



Social Philosophy