Market information and communication services: composition, structure and regulation on the state and local level




information market, information and communication services, structure of the ICS market, regulation of the ICS market


Article is devoted to identifying specific composition, structure and regulation of the market information and communication services inUkraine. Presented author's definition of information-communication services as part of the information market. Was systematized information market structure in the directions of providing services, sectors of information market, ways of implementing product. Was detected the features of exchange in the market of information and communication services by systematizing characteristics of services and classify them by delivery area, and functions. Basic elements of market ICS were identified: products and services, producers, intermediaries and consumers. Role of the state, local authorities, owners of underground communications, service providers and subscribers has been disclosed in ICS market. Was analyzed the process of regulation activity at the state and local levels providers as key participants in the market of information and communication services. Proposals have been formulated to improve the mechanism of state regulation of the ICS market.

Author Biography

Oleksiy Bogachоv, Institute of Economic and Legal Research of NAS of Ukraine, Donetsk

Competitor degree of candidate of sciences


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How to Cite

Bogachоv O. (2014). Market information and communication services: composition, structure and regulation on the state and local level. Skhid, (6(126), 21–26.


