The corporative strategy and globalization: interconnections and challenges of the modern stage




world economics, globalization, corporation, strategy, corporative strategy, strategic goals of corporation


This article deals with processes of transformation of corporate strategies in the conditions of globalization. Its' main qualities, on the basis of study of different approaches to the essence of globalization, are determined - the formation of single economical area, format change of relations between different subjects, information and technical changes.

But together with generally accepted characteristics of globalization can be highlighted also discussion features which are difficult to identify by the degree of influence on the activity of today's corporations: unequal distribution of world income in favor of developed countries, financial, economic and political expansion of developed countries, deepening of cross-country differentiations by the level of economical development, trends to the disappearance of national features, etc.

It is grounded, that connection between globalization and corporate strategies found in process of strategic aims' achievement. However, at present stage, the most powerful TNCs can dominate over the aims of other economic agents.

Taking into the consideration the significant impact of globalization on the corporate strategy, it is necessary to talk about the unique combination of advantages or disadvantages of globalization of strategically oriented performance management within the enterprises themselves. The factor, which clearly negatively influences on the activities of one company, can create numerous benefits for other economic agent.

In similar conditions corporate strategy gradually transforming into the system of constant search of answers and decisions to the challenges, which arise in the dynamic global economic environment. However, the degree of f involvement of corporations in global economic processes can't be correlated with the impact of global factors on the effectiveness of corporate strategy. In the medium term, we can predict the revaluation of existing principles of developing and implementing corporate strategies in the part of consideration impact of "global" factors.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Biriuk, Ltd "Development Constraction Holding"

Deputy director of Research and Analysis Department 


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How to Cite

Biriuk, O. (2014). The corporative strategy and globalization: interconnections and challenges of the modern stage. Skhid, (6(126), 16–20.


