Historical aspects of sustainable development and economic evolution interconnection





evolutionary economy, sustainable development, economic history, economics, development, economic theory, globalization


The research is based on idea that sustainable development like a basic idea remains the same from the beginning but its content, priorities, and methods are evolving simultaneously with the economy. The comprehensive analysis of stages of evolution and prognosis of economic development will give a clue of the future sustainable priorities. Evolutionary changes in the economy created the background and incentives to the concept of sustainable development progress. The main idea of sustainable development, which could be briefly described like balancing between the scarcity of resources and infinity of ideas (desires) for an uncertain long period of time, is consistent with the basic principles of the economy. That gives us a possibility to predict when the next step in sustainable development will be done in accordance with the world economic dynamic. Systematization and analysis of economic development through the prism of sustainable development give us a clue for understanding instigators in the sustainable development evolution: The necessity of overcoming economic resections and crises in the most efficient and effective way. That means that we also need new ideas, new imperatives for development and basis for overcoming social inequity which has been deepening during every economic trouble and slowed down the reforming because of low governmental support; the increasing world inequality which exacerbates the global imbalance and at the end slows down the world economic development. The evolution becomes possible when coming through all stages of evolutionary development - de-coordination, re-coordination, new order. The first phase corresponds to the creation of a point of disturbance, which could be a potential source of growth or change. The second phase is the process of re-coordination of macrolevel (macro order) as a result of continuing dissatisfaction of local unites and the impossibility of meso level to solve them. The third phase is the creation of the new order, different from the older one by its approaches, methods, tools for solving the problems raised from the microlevel and also added through globalization processes and openness. This is the evolution of sustainable development, and these processes can be tracked and predicted through the evolutionary economy.

Author Biographies

Liubov Zharova, University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biała)

Доктор экономических наук, старший научный сотрудник

Anna Chechel, Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol)

Доктор экономических наук, профессор


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How to Cite

Zharova, L., & Chechel, A. (2020). Historical aspects of sustainable development and economic evolution interconnection. Skhid, (2(166), 21–28. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2020.2(166).201399



World History