Masonic symbolism in the context of philosophical anthropology searches
freemasonry, symbol, society, anthropology, universals, modernist style, cultureAbstract
The article is dedicated to the Masonic ideas influence on a symbolism interpretation in anthropology, vision of the Masonic symbolism in Masonic ideas influence on a modern philosophical discourse. The symbolic codes investigation was opening space for a philosophical discourse, human identity and self-equivalence searches. Masons and philosophers of the 20th century had been working on a same cultural and semantic field, with the same cultural, historical and epistemological universals, considering symbols as a priori language and a priori form of learning. The existence archetypes, sense-creating codes search led Masons to the vision that symbols did not contain the final content, but gave a wide field of the interpretation possibilities, were a gnoseological key, a tool for a self-learning and a “super-reality” learning, for the adept’s gnoseological qualities forming. Masonic ideology was based on “ascribing” to the certain objects some special symbolic meaning, on conviction that by means of symbols it was possible to teach laymen the basics of the independent and free learning process. Masonic convictions say that symbol is marking the space-time relations, performing the communicative processes. Philosophers of the 20th century (C. Levi-Strauss, E. Cassirer, N. Berdyaev and others) gave to the symbols meanings of the objective character and of the values, they opened the reality levels, for which a non-symbolic language did not fit. They considered a person to perceive the symbols of the object and not the object itself. Walking a “Masonic path”, these philosophers supposed that symbols were forming the goal-setting senses which could be conceived by civilizations, values, tastes, fashion. So, for people of Modernity, “society” became a symbol of the people’s uniting in the name of the progress and the democracy. Philosophers began looking at the society as at the historical self-realization process, as at the knowledge and self-knowing tool. It can be assumed that “Masonic phenomenon” in European philosophy influenced the scientific search directions forming. The classified masonic discourses gave birth to the thoughts which later transformed into philosophical concepts of the 20th century.References
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