The development and initial validation of the Loneliness Inventory for Christians (LIFC)
social loneliness, emotional loneliness, existential loneliness, cultural loneliness, spiritual loneliness, attachment, inventory, principle factor structure analysisAbstract
This paper presents the development and initial validation of the Loneliness Inventory for Christians (LIFC), a five-dimensional measure of loneliness. Using data from the sample of 302 believers of different Christian affiliations in Ukraine, analyses of the reliability, validity, and principle factor structure of this preliminary version of the 5-dimensional loneliness measurement were conducted. The results from principal components analyses support the multi-dimensional conceptualization of loneliness, which perceive loneliness as a complex phenomenon reflected in social, intimate, cultural, existential, and spiritual life of an individual. Examination results of the LIFC’s relationship to the other criteria such as: UCLA-3 Loneliness Scale, Attachment Relationships Questionnaire (RQ) and the Attachment to God Inventory (AGI) indicated that the LIFC was quite reliable, both in terms of internal consistency (coefficient α Cronbach ranging from .78 - .80), concurrent, and discriminant validity.References
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