Typology of rationality


  • Ivan Chornomordenko Kyiv National University Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
  • Ivan Zahriychuk Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, Ukraine




science, subject and object of cognition, rationality, typology of scientific rationality, beyond-scienctific knowledge


The article tells about the philosophical analyze of rationality. Traditionally several main types of scientific rationality are distinguished: classical scientific rationality, non-classical scientific rationality, and also post-non-classical types of scientific rationality. The classical type of scientific rationality concentrates the whole attitude exclusively on the object of scientific cognition only. For non-classical scientific rationality the most characteristic is the idea that the object of scientific cognition is correlated with the means and operations of cognitive activities. Post-non-classical scientific rationality is realized by philosophers mainly as taking into account the correlation of knowledge about the object of scientific cognition not only with the means of cognitive activities but also with all value-target structures of cognitive activities.

In the twentieth century many philosophers began to realize slowly that there shouldn't be only one possible rationality but there can be and even should exist absolutely different types of rationality. Moreover, only in the twentieth century philosophers were able to understand to the full extent that even the nature rationality couldn't be unchangeable forever, that is the same. The nature of rationality couldn't be without changes that absolutely stable. In contemporary social consciousness the most serious grounds for study and analyses of present contradictions between scientific and social types of rationality can be the connection of every scientific rationality with production of such important global risks which are very dangerous for the whole contemporary civilization and which it experiences rather often in complicated way (the well-known examples are Chornobyl, Fukushima, Costa Concordia etc.).

Author Biographies

Ivan Chornomordenko, Kyiv National University Engineering and Architecture

Ph.D., Professor, Professor Department of Philosophy 

Ivan Zahriychuk, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Department of Philosophy and Sociology 


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How to Cite

Chornomordenko, I., & Zahriychuk, I. (2013). Typology of rationality. Skhid, (5(125). https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.5(125).19109


