Change over from apostolicity to episcopacy as a form of rationalization of the Christian tradition




apostolic fathers, apostolicity, charisma, education, episcopacy, institutionalization, rationalization, religious tradition


The article examines the features of formation of the episcopacy as a form of rationalization of the Christian tradition. Author relates the changeover from the apostolicity to episcopacy in the Christian Church with the changeover from oral history to a systematic memory, and social-organizational form of rationalization proposed by C. Geertz. In addition, social-organizational form of rationalization of religious traditions corresponds to institutionalization. In the course of rationalization is a change of legitimating criteria of the authority of religious hierarchy from the charismatic factor (unique religious experience) to the social (staying in legitimated institute and religious education). The peak of the rationalization of the Christian tradition, the author considers the period of Apostolic Fathers, which became the stage of changeover from the authority of the prophetic and charismatic hierarchy to the authority of institutionalized priestly hierarchy.

Author Biography

Ruslan Khalikov, Donetsk National Technical University

Magister Religious Studies, a postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Khalikov, R. (2013). Change over from apostolicity to episcopacy as a form of rationalization of the Christian tradition. Skhid, (5(125).


