Dynamics of institutionalization of Muslim communities in Crimea: joining the civil society structures





Islam in Ukraine, Crimea, Muslim community, organization, Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Crimea


The article is devoted to the institutionalization processes within the Muslim communities in the new conditions of political transformations in Ukraine. In the conditions of the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the author sets the goal to investigate the actual ways of joining the structures of civil society, interaction with state authorities and the influence on the religious factor, which, along with the ethnic and national factors, is extremely important for studying in the context of the Crimean Tatars community. The article describes the conditions for the implementation of activities in the framework of migration processes, possibility of a culture development, and the preservation of the identity of representatives of the Muslim communities of the Crimea. Within the framework of this research, work was carried out to find newly created and reorganized organizations and communities, in particular, it was necessary to identify ways to implement the rights to preserve and develop cultural heritage, language, as well as to provide social and legal protection to certain citizens affected by occupation of the peninsula. The results of the study indicate attempts to overcome the isolation policy and obstacles to the adaptation of settlers in a new place, internally migrated persons, as well as an important area of activity was the elimination of the trend of separation of the Caucus Tatar community in Ukraine and its isolation character. In particular, to date, new centers have been created in Ukraine, along with those that have undergone reorganization changes: SDMC public organization «Ixsan-Sincerity" in the city of Drohobych, the Islamic cultural center named after Muhammad Asad in Lviv, the diaspora of the Crimean Tatars has about 10 thousand people in the Kherson region, while there is a rather close living of the Crimean Tatars in the village New Dam in the Vinnytsya region. There is "Crimean Tatars' “Zemlyatstvo (association of people coming from the same area)"” - a public organization representing the interests of the indigenous people of Crimea. So, the main areas of internal migration were Lviv, Vinnytsya and Kherson regions, whose work set the goal of preservation of ethnic and religious identity of the indigenous people of Crimea.

Author Biography

Ievgeniia Gotska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Gotska, I. (2019). Dynamics of institutionalization of Muslim communities in Crimea: joining the civil society structures. Skhid, (3(161), 71–77. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2019.3(161).171961



Religious studies and theology