"Light Kuban". Forming of picture is of North Caucasus as space of religious freedom in a ХVІІ-ХVІІІ item


  • Dmytro Bilyi Donetsk Legal Institute, Ukraine




Kuban, Don cossacks, Zaporozhia cossacks, North Caucasus, religious freedom


In the article the process of creation of mental map of Kuban is examined among Don and Ukrainian the cossacks in a ХVІІ - ХVІІІ item. The author in своїй to article consistently opens основне stages of development and mutual relations of different religious systems in the North Caucasus, the reasons which have provided their peaceful co-existence. These circumstances had solving influence on perception of Kuban Cossacks as territories of religious freedom and the optimal place for resettlement in search of a refuge from соціального that of religious prosecution. Above all things it touches a religious constituent, as one of the most essential in the system presentations of Don and Ukrainian the cossacks. On a background a sharp religious fight, searches of "earth obitovanoy", free of political and religious pursuits becomes extraordinarily actual for the cossacks. An author traces the process of forming of pictures of Kuban, as to space of freedom among cossack associations in a this period.

Author Biography

Dmytro Bilyi, Donetsk Legal Institute

Doctor of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer, Professor of the Ukrainian Studies Department



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How to Cite

Bilyi, D. (2013). "Light Kuban". Forming of picture is of North Caucasus as space of religious freedom in a ХVІІ-ХVІІІ item. Skhid, (4(124), 125–128. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.4(124).16960


