Circassians of North Caucasus as a geopolitical factor of ХVІ-ХVІІ ages


  • Dmytro Bily Donetsk Legal Institute, Ukraine
  • Marina Antsyryova Krasnodar Branch of Non-Governmental Higher Vocational Institution "S.Y. Vitte Moscow University", Russian Federation



Circassians, geopolitics, Osman empire, Moscow reign, Rich Pospolita, North Caucasus


In the article the role of circassian population of North Caucasus is examined in the difficult system of mutual relations of the leading states of Eastern Europe and Asia - Osmanskoy empire, Crimean Khanate, Moscow reign and Rich Pospolitoy, in a ХVІ - ХVІІ ages. Authors come to the conclusion, that the attempts of circassians to save the independence and them active bath-political activity notedly influenced on the policy of the afore-named states.

Author Biographies

Dmytro Bily, Donetsk Legal Institute

Doctor of History, Senior lecturer, Professor of Ukrainian Studies Department

Marina Antsyryova, Krasnodar Branch of Non-Governmental Higher Vocational Institution "S.Y. Vitte Moscow University"

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of Educational and Methodological Department


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How to Cite

Bily, D., & Antsyryova, M. (2013). Circassians of North Caucasus as a geopolitical factor of ХVІ-ХVІІ ages. Skhid, (3(123), 80–84.


