Conceptual theses of sustainable development of commercial enterprises




management, sustainable development, conceptual model, an analytical basis, strategy


This article deals with the nature, content and key elements of the conceptual approach to managing sustainable development of commercial enterprise, the theoretical, analytical and practical basis of the conceptual model, the directions of improving the management of sustainable development of commercial enterprises. Conceptual basis of practical provisions include the identification of possible sources of increased local ingredients from sustainable commercial enterprise, ranking factors influence (business processes) to local components of sustainable development, identifying strategic trajectories of development and study opportunities for their implementation. The current conceptual model of sustainable development based on modern management tools with regard to the process approach, which in turn provided the opportunity to clearly structure the main components of the conceptual provisions to ensure sustainable competitive position of commercial enterprises in the market based on the balance of all its local components.

Author Biography

Hanna Mamaeva, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

Graduate student 


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How to Cite

Mamaeva, H. (2013). Conceptual theses of sustainable development of commercial enterprises. Skhid, (3(123), 34–39.


