The idea of history in the right-conservative philosophy in the 1920’s and 1930’s




"conservative revolution", "оrganized nationalism", nation, history, will, historical destiny, charismatic leader, creative minority


This article is devoted to the analysis of the historiosophical concepts of the "conservative revolution" in the 1920’s and 1930’s and the related theories which are united with the right-wing conservative worldview. The topicality of this article is to find out common and distinctive features in  undestanding the idea of history in the West European tradition, in particular, German, and Ukrainian ones. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative, ideological and conceptual analysis of the development of  history  concept in the philosophical tradition of the "conservative revolution" and Ukrainian "organized nationalism". This study identifies the common and distinctive features of these phenomena. Common  features for  both of them include the  nation primacy over the individual, the rise of the nation as a  driving force of historical changes, the protest against the established values of the old world, elitism and  recognition of  individual’s special role in history, the will to power as a factor of social changes.

Key differences. In  western  right-wing philosophy, the leader or noble minority was that kind of  force who could lead already existing nations; at the same time, the Ukrainian tradition was about educating the national elite on new principles. That required overcoming the village, provincialism way of world  perception as well as "plebeian philosophy", obedience, conformism, and collaboration. Thus, despite the similarity of basic approaches, this two philosophical ideologies came to different conclusions that  based on historical conditions in which the West European and East European people lived. For  them (East European people) nationalism is not the ideology of enslavement of other nations, but the philosophy of liberation and further  historical development of the nation.

Author Biography

Yurii Omelchenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Omelchenko, Y. (2018). The idea of history in the right-conservative philosophy in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Skhid, (3(155), 5–9.