Transformation of reality: medial turn




culture, medial turn, incivilized man, medial reality, immersion, installation, virtual reality


This article properties of the media not only as a message, but as a new reality that has both constructive and destructive potential that can significantly affect (and does effect) the identity, shaping its values, outlook, and at last reality.

In broader understanding medial turn caused transformation of reality into medial reality that creates an image of the world which can't be distinguished from reality, so it means it is a creator of reality. Medial turn, which by its value can be compared with linguistic, states the prerogative of image during actual reality forming that influence person's life.

There are different interpretations of medial reality in scientific literature: someone considers it through the prism of biocommunications which existed before human's appearance (in that case there can be no reality outside media), others consider that it is new reality which is created as a result of appearance of modern means of communication, informatization and society computerizations that accelerated exchange and transfer of information considerably. As a result, the world became denser, that caused provoked compression of reality and caused, actually, appearance of medial reality. Special attention is concentrated on modern medial communication in our research, to be exact, on mechanisms and features of their influence on modern person.

Natural interface forms: immersion, installation have been considered. Preconditions and consequences of total "immersion" of incivilized man in a new virtual reality have been analyzed.

Author Biography

Mykola Zhurba, Східноукраїнський національний університет ім. В. Даля, м. Рубіжне

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How to Cite

Zhurba, M. (2013). Transformation of reality: medial turn. Skhid, (2(122), 112–117.


